When creating a landing page for an email or ad campaign, you need to make sure it is optimised for SEO so they are appealing to the search engine bots that rank pages.

Why Are SEO-Focused Landing Pages Important?

Even if you get people to your page, you need to optimise it from an SEO point of view so you’re able to drive conversions and boost your business. The best SEO services in Sydney include optimising a landing page with a few elements to be incorporated to increase your chances of appearing in relevant search queries.

If you run a campaign for a specific period of time and fail to optimise the page, you may actually be missing out on quality search traffic.

How To Create SEO-Focused Landing Pages?

The previous practice of keyword stuffing to get pages ranked no longer works today. In fact, Google will likely penalise you for this, which is why you need to focus on the quality of your landing pages for SEO. Here are some tips to help:

#1: Identify The Right Keywords Relevant To Searches

Two marketers offering SEO services in Sydney

Keywords are important because they help you determine what you want your page to rank for, and send signals to search engine bots. Consider the following:

  • Make sure you do thorough research to determine the right keywords for the specific landing page you intend to publish.
  • Analyse your competition to find out what keywords are working for them and plan your landing page keyword strategy accordingly.
  • Start by making a comprehensive list of search terms relevant to your page and then create combinations.
  • Use keywords strategically (and organically) within the content copy – along with the title.
  • If you’re using images on the page, make sure the image title contains the keyword, as this is another SEO ranking factor.

The more precise the search terms are, the clearer the page is to Google and other search engines, which will help you with your SEO ranking.

#2: Use A Custom URL

If you use a specific content management system like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla, you can publish to a specific domain. The advantages of a custom URL include:

  • Keywords in the URL are considered a ranking factor, which can push up your SEO efforts.
  • Short and descriptive custom URLs make it easier for your link-building efforts and show readers exactly what your page is about.
  • Search engines read URLs to understand page content and will use this as one of the ranking factors.

A custom URL helps you match the keywords and page topic so you can target the right traffic to your landing page.

#3: Make Sure Your Page Loads Fast

Though images and videos are important to help readers fully understand what your page is about and to give them more value, you need to ensure the page loads fast otherwise you’ll end up with a higher bounce rate, which will hurt your SEO. Consider the following:

  • Readers want pages that load fast and save them time, make sure you keep this in mind.
  • Check your speed using Google page speed insights.
  • Improve your page speed by using smaller image and video files and quicker web hosts.

Today’s time-poor readers want everything at their fingertips, so you need to make sure your landing page opens up almost immediately for the best results.

#4: Get More Backlinks To The Page

The more backlinks you’re able to secure for your landing page, the better your search engine rankings. Consider the following:

  • Create shareable content so that more people post it on other pages and encourage clicks to your landing page.
  • Identify partnerships with other related websites or businesses to bring links back to your page.
  • Identify interesting topics for your readers and create well-researched content that adds value to people’s needs.
  • Reach out to influencers to encourage more shares and get more links to your page.

Backlinks are a good way to show search engines that your page is popular. The more, the better!

Your landing page needs to capture attention, which is why you cannot afford to ignore its content. The best SEO-focused landing pages are able to draw a good amount of traffic, which ultimately leads to better conversions for your business – your main goal after all. Make sure you don’t overlook your landing page content.