When it comes to getting your foot in the door with any job, practical experience often looked on very favourably by employers. Whilst the theoretical skills you’ll gain at university are important to have, many firms value grads who have undertaken engineering internships. Take the time to gain experience in the real world with engineering internships can help to develop your skills in the workplace and also help you to make informed decisions around your career. Undertaking workplace experience is a fantastic way to set you apart from the competition and will look impressive on your resume for recruiters. So how do you find engineering internships and how can you apply for one?


Why workplace experience is important

Recruiters look very favourably on graduates who have gained relevant experience in the field they’re hoping to work in. Placements in the field you wish to work in are highly valued and demonstrate that you have developed some practical experience. This is a great way to build on the theoretical framework that you develop when studying for your degree and shows your commitment and interest in your chosen career. Undertaking engineering internships can also help you to decide if the area you’re studying is right for you and will help you to make informed decisions about your career that are based on real workplace experience.


How do I get started?

Man undertaking his engineering internships

Luckily there are many companies in Australia that offer engineering internships to graduates and student. Many of Australia’s largest companies offer highly organised programs because they are looking to attract the best quality talent. Many of the companies will go to great lengths to make graduates aware of their programs, often reaching out to students on-campus or at career events. If you’re looking to gain workplace experience, then a great way to find a program is to simply look around campus or attend a career day. Career days can be a great way for you to make a positive first impression and to ask any questions about the programs that companies run. It’s also a good idea to start researching the companies that you think you may want to work at or gain experience with. Start online or look further into firms that have gained your interest. For many of the programs offered in Australia, you’ll find detailed information and guides available online.


You may have a placement program built into your degree

Practical skills are very important to engineers and so many degrees in the field will include mandatory placements and work experience in the units. This isn’t the case for every school and every degree, but luckily many companies offer summer work placements – so if you don’t have a placement built into your academic year don’t worry, you can still undertake work experience. A placement will give you the chance to interact in the real world and to build up your professional network. It’s an invaluable way for students to get their foot in the door and prepare for graduations.


Tips for getting engineering internships

There are a few things you can do to better your chances of getting a placement, firstly, start planning your work experience early on in your degree. A lot of employers won’t take students until the latter half of their study career but it’s a good idea to start doing your research early so that you’re ready to apply in year two and three of your degree. To better your chances of getting work experience at the places you want to work at you should make sure your grades are good and ensure you show enthusiasm for the role and the opportunity.